Inside out, stranger to this feeling- what? No that's not S Club 7 it's.... Neon Milk Collective duh.
(I just made that up)
But good news (depending on who/where you are/how much you care about me) I'M HOME FOR SUMMER BREAK!
Montclair, NJ the home of lots of trees and the guy that comes on after Jon Stewart and ran for president, and ME.
This is my(now my mom's) desk at home, a view out my bedroom window and my computer with WHAT'S THAT this blog post BEING WRITTEN. Congrats guys it's THE INTERNET.
Okay kids, a quick recap on finals for yours truly:
That's it, basically. No that's just Katherine's interpretation of her 10 page research paper on Primitivism. It was during our all-day writing sesh. At this time I was sitting across from her, beating Rothko to death (figuratively i'm sure) for my art history paper, but I thought this would express my sentiments about my academic classes.
Also I saw a show that my drawing teacher, the one the only Sarah Roche, curated which was really great. It was cool to see her work, other teacher's work, and up-and-comers who I hope to/will become. There was even an artist who graduated from Tyler and is going to go to Yale for her MFA = alkfbnfbkadlnabakjlgekbnldknb IT IS POSSIBLE.
p.s. to those who don't believe in dreams, that is my master plan because Yale has the best MFA program in the country. And then to teach art/have my own thriving painting, sculpture, video practice/be an internet superstar/live in Paris. See mom? Just like Martin Luther King.
And what does the Philadelphia Swing Dance Society have to do with this? Nothing really, we were just walking back from the exhibit and I thought it was a funny sign.
Additionally, before leaving Philly, we toured the Masonic Temple oOoOo
Number 1: I don't really understand Masons or whatever but apparently they control the world and DID YOU KNOW, Buzz Aldrin is a Mason, and so was my grandpa (I didn't know either of those things until yesterday)
Number 2: Very weird place, that's the ceiling of one of the hallways. Each hall was decorated in a different historic theme and was very strange and shiny like a casino.
Irregardless and to conclude a self-timed picture of my sister that she took on my camera and I'm sure thought would never see the light of day.

Well here it is.