As we speak, or as I speak to you rather, I am taking off my booties after running around the metropolitan museum of art ALL DAY LONG. Do you know how long that is? Well I'll tell you.... from 8 to 6. That's like that Dolly Parton musical 9 to 5 except MY REALITY.
Needless to say, my feet stank a lil.
All giraffes aside (there was SUPPOSED to be a pic of a funny elvis giraffe, but blogger sucks like that so you're just going to have to deal with it), I am supa tired, but not tired enough to not tell you nobody about my life! Great things, I know.
Okay kids, let's see who can guess who is searching like a crazy crack head for the rocks she swears she left in her box home... for her decongestants? Trick question: It's not Kate, it's Runny Nose ( my sick and may or may not be slightly native american but definitely part of a tribe or something, at the very least with the weird name and everything MONSTER ZOMBIE ALTER EGO!!! Jackle and Hyde ain't got nothing on me! Realzies though I'm like 30% bitchier and more likely to get mad when people step on my art (JUST BECAUSE IT'S ON THE FLOOR DOESN'T MEAN IT'S FOR YOU TO STEP ON it's my room anyway jeez get out!) You know what I mean? She's legit crazy.
So other than methodically developing an alternate personality I've been super into female vocalists whose voices pop and squal and zing. EXAMPLES TO FOLLOW: Karen O (ov caourse), the woman from La Roux, the Kills lady, and even some... don't make me say it... Bikini Kill (I know it doesn't really fit into the category but it jives with my sick-angry vibe and I've had Rebel Girl stuck in my head all week!) DON'T WORRY TIME TRAVEL, I'm not reverting back to the 8th grade. In actuality, this music kick I'm on def transports me to when I thought I was punk in middle school. Miniskirts with safety pins, ripped jeans, platform shoes (okay I never said I was good at it) I think I even smoked a cigarette once. I'm seriously really glad I'm out of my filthy rap phase THANK GOD because now I'm developing a real music taste (luda, you know you're my boo x2!)
And do you want to know what? I was sleeping/listening to all the TV on the Radio on my way to and back from the Met and I really like them! OKAY I KNOW I'M RILLLY LATE ON BANDS THAT HAVE BROKEN UP or whatever who cares BUT SOME OF US HAVE TROUBLE READING (illiteracy? what does that word even mean? p.s. I love It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia). So here's the lllink to a video of I Was a Lover with a woman with a bag on her head dancing on the street. Check the guy who walks in front of the cam... SO UNDERGROUND.
Love you k bye!