Mean gurlz= my girls!
Okay so this week has been really hectic, which means I've been apartment hunting/seeing my parents/drawing final/quilting a 25 page book/do ANOTHER computers final/ making an inflatable vagina cave AND TIME IS RUNNING OUT.
So to destress and otherwise waste time I've been obsessively watching Freaks and Geeks AND NOONE CAN STOP ME. It's an amazing show. Live it, Love it, Learn it. But seriously I wish I could go back and time and give the show to my middle school self, it would have helped me so much (because I was a FREAK)
Alright people (aka Katherine aka the only person who reads my blog aka my roommate and myself) here are some more drawing final pix!!!
This last one was me trying to take a picture of my final while I was working in the oh so narrow foundations hallway, but I'll get a real picture soon!
Oh and p.s. Colleen was working with me LOOK DOWN
This is her and her drawing final, isn't it good looking? Check yes for yes!
We were working in the painting studios with big gigantic windows I'M SO PSYCHED FOR NEXT YEAR!!
(when I will be painting in one of these rooms)
Alright, for some reason I'm the resident finals-in-progress fun time photographer SO HERE IT IS
Drunk and punk J-bird working on her heaven-and-hell drawing final (make of that moustache what you will!)
And sober Bissie holding up her Philadelphia quilt!
It looks real nice but Bissie looks crazy!