Wednesday, April 28, 2010

And now for something completely vaginal.

Alright fellas! It's time to learn a little something about our friend, the vagina. Just kidding this is my 3d final guys. JEEZ
I worked with my partners in life and in crime Lexi and Kyle to make this 6 foot tall arch. We used inner ribs to keep the outer and inner structure from seperating in a sphere. We played a track of wombs sounds and hospital beeps and had everyone go through the back and out the labia so as to simulate BIRTH.

Jealous you didn't get the experience?
I know.

Friday, April 23, 2010

You can go shave your back now.

Mean gurlz= my girls!
Okay so this week has been really hectic, which means I've been apartment hunting/seeing my parents/drawing final/quilting a 25 page book/do ANOTHER computers final/ making an inflatable vagina cave AND TIME IS RUNNING OUT.
So to destress and otherwise waste time I've been obsessively watching Freaks and Geeks AND NOONE CAN STOP ME.  It's an amazing show. Live it, Love it, Learn it. But seriously I wish I could go back and time and give the show to my middle school self, it would have helped me so much (because I was a FREAK)
Alright people (aka Katherine aka the only person who reads my blog aka my roommate and myself) here are some more drawing final pix!!!
This last one was me trying to take a picture of my final while I was working in the oh so narrow foundations hallway, but I'll get a real picture soon!
Oh and p.s. Colleen was working with me LOOK DOWN
This is her and her drawing final, isn't it good looking? Check yes for yes!
We were working in the painting studios with big gigantic windows I'M SO PSYCHED FOR NEXT YEAR!!
(when I will be painting in one of these rooms)

Alright, for some reason I'm the resident finals-in-progress fun time photographer SO HERE IT IS
Drunk and punk J-bird working on her heaven-and-hell drawing final (make of that moustache what you will!)
And sober Bissie holding up her Philadelphia quilt!
It looks real nice but Bissie looks crazy!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Blame it on the Finals

In progress pix of my drawing final!!!!
Huh? huh? whatchu think?
I need to do like a million layers of watercolor/ink/gouche before it will be done but I'm planning on spending all Saturday on it... and it's not due for two weeks= I might have some kind of problem
HOWEVER it's pretty really big so insanity might be justified.
About to be late to a lunch date.
Probably more facinating life nuggets later while I lock myself in my room to work on my 2D final!!!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Let me tell you what I do when my day is over

I watch the last episode of Ugly Betty, and work on my drawing final.
Okay another sad quick entry because the STUDIO IS CALLING MY NAME
but first:
philly monument lolz
Katherine and I went to get my bike fixed ($55 what.) and discovered so many things about this great city #1 people poop in the subway... like everywhere. and it's creepy and scary in the middle of the day. OH THE PLACES YOU'LL GO.
#2 payless is great, i got neutral sneakers for owl team leading? and 
#3 Benjamin Ranklin Craftsma

This week I:
did my last sketchbook!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Discovered THE MOST AMAZING BLOG EVERRr (read it. live it. lOvE iT.)

Today Colleen's little brother Gabe visited (with his Mom... calm down child protective services!) and did you want to see rapid fire pix of a little boy looking at rocks?!?!

and maybe some smile at the cameras?
I have chosen to end this segment of words to live by with Kate Speidel with a pun:
From some marine something at Penn's Landing (where my drawing class went today! <3 Field trips with Sarah Roche!!!)
You have to say it outloud a few times for the full effect.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


the band you guys THE BAND
I just got the album from my friend Colleen and let me tell you I love every minute of it, Lust for Life is a real good song by them with a cool video! It's kind of hip BUT WHAT CAN YOU DO.
okay i have like 2 seconds because I'm meeting my gorl for life Katherine for lunch but WHAT TO SAY WHAT TO SAY.
Um finals...
Drawing: a film still from a movie - make it a big drawing with life size figures!
Here's the one I'm using. It's from The Virgin Suicides, it's in between frames GET IT?
I'm real excited about dis one!!!
2d: Personal Mythology book! 25 page minimum! WOAH
I'm doing my first kiss with alternating pages being little quilts displaying the scene going on and the facing pages being objects catalogued from that point in my life!
chika chika WHAT
3d: it's a fucking inflatable guys! Sheet plastic taped together with an air pump attached WHY? because.
It's a group proj and I'm working with my 2 favorite men Kyle and Lexi and it's going to be an amazing experiential environmental VAGINA. I'm so serious it's actually going to be really beautiful, me and Lexi were talking about it last night I'm super psyched! We're going to have music, and water, and COLORED LIGHTS.
mmmm mmm mmmmm
okay I have to go guys but it was good to talk to you!

Friday, April 2, 2010

I hate Temple and Temple hates me

Okay only partially true. I love it here but I HATE class registration. I managed to register for sculpture and glass, which I'm really excited about but I got closed out of all other studio classes!! The thing was I was saving myself (LITERALLY) for sophmore painting because I want to double major in painting and sculpture AND I HAVE TO TAKE PAINTING. Like seriously, nobody wants to paint more than me NOBODY. So I'm really frustrated and crazy now and it's all I can think about because I have this problem where I can't not worry about things I just freak out till the cows come home even if there's nothing I can do about it AND THERE AREN'T ANY COWS IN PHILADELPHIA.
They said they might open up another section blahblahblah. BUT WHO KNOWS. All I know is that I need a 3rd studio and stat!
Okay to de-stress here's Ryan with his shirt off! (he decided to cut the sleeves off of his shirt ...rEbEl!)
And here's ryan with his shirt off and leanne with her shirt on...
And there's Justine.
Wow thanks guys I feel a lot better!
A unicorn in a tree? I THOUGHT UNICORNS WERE EXTINCT. No. A man dressed as a unicorn in a tree. Probably a sculpture major. Being weird.
Close up?
And to conclude:
I was at Colleen's dorm last night doing work and watching Mean Girls (which turned out to be Garden State... tricky) when we found a sample book of tapestry type fabric IN THE TRASH. Needless to say, I took it and this is colleen, divying up the fabric. Additionally, she looks really upset/retarded. What's wrong Colleen? Did you hit your head again?
It's not my fault that they hate me because I'm prettier and more popular than them (mean gurlz)
p.s. I am currently reading this astrological relationship book called seduction by the stars BISSIE LENT IT TO ME and it's the best/worst/most hilarious EVER. It's all... want to seduce an Aries RUN AWAY UNTIL THEY CATCH YOU. And Pices want a sexual beast with a heart of gold. IRREGARDLESS, if all none of you ever gets the chance I would def give it a whirl!