Wednesday, December 30, 2009

So believe when i say i'm no better than you Except when i rap So i guess it ain't true

I'm actually the best/worst freestyler ever. (lies) Except for that one time with Katherine at my friend Greg's house when it seemed like a great idea, I just remember rhyming -at words a lot (you know: bat, cat, sat...) v elementary rapping skills!
The reason why I started writing this post is number 1: because I'm supposed to be cleaning my attic/old studio and number 2: because I have a severe disorder.
Which is: I HAVE TOO MUCH (F)ART WORK which I can't ever seem to throw out.
So I've decided to give away most/some of it, good idea?
I know that all nobody of you is just clamoring to receive some original Kates before I become too well known and famous to be cool anymore, so you best jump on the non-bandwagon quick!
Hold on, I'm going to take some pitchas to post so everyone can see/vomit!

This is my 2D final, it's a book!

This is my 4 ft by 6 ft plate drawing!

(Sorry, this is like the selfie version of art photography!)

Wordform compositions:

Drawing of my roomz!

Relational drawing:

This is my first 2D project called mutable self, it's about how I feel when I'm alone.

Alright this next one is a little weird, it's a superhero costume!

My superhero is called the Couch Whisperer and she was bullied a lot when she was little, but she was too scared to stand up for herself. When she's older, she observes others around her being taken advantage of and she decides to help them with all of the insults she's stored up over the years but was afraid to use. So she makes a dress so she can camouflage into this couch and whisper insults to these people so they can stand up for themselves! (win.)
My first 3D project which was to make a plaster mold of a found object, than manipulate it, and use those manipulations to design a module which can be laid out in a pattern and stacked in a column. (Guess what my object was...)

My sister and the stack!

They're twizzlers silly!
I have loads more but no pictures or anything because my dad stole them for his office (some of them were submitted to the foundations juried show... including the couch whisperer... don't mean to be braggers mcgee)
I need to go shower, and see Avatar with my sister and dad, it's supposed to be bad but fingers crossed! Allz the photos are out of wack because I don't know how to use the interweb! boo technology.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

She was beautiful and accomplished!

Hey ya! p.s. I have a newfound appreciation for Outkast since Temple it's smart and different, and isn't that something we all strive to be?

The title comes from a very funny dialogue between my sister and my father during the Speidel family ski vacation (aka: force your children to plummet rapidly and uncontrollably down a frigid mountain while you argue with extended family about wine/food/laundry/absolutely nothing the result of which is a 8 hour gossip ridden car ride back home, all assessments reaching that our french uncle Phillipe is an angry and unpleasant person). This is a person whose accent and lack of understanding of the English language is at first humorous, than dangerous, his food snobbery borders on violent, and his inappropriate comments/drinking/snoring know no bounds.
Personally, I think he's exceptionally jolly.

So my dad was arguing with my sister about whether or not she should go skiing, my sister claiming that she was too sore from risking an icy death the day before, my dad fighting back with unusually consistent parental notion that their children should achieve or attempt anything and everything because who knows what the future will bring? (a conceit which never fails to exasperate any situation). My dad is walking away from the argument which he inevitably wins, and my sister goes for a classic Sarah behind the back mutter "I'm going to be the next Natasha Richardson!" (a wonderful woman who unfortunately died of concussive complications when she failed to recognize that she hurt her head fatally while skiing)
My dad, catching the frustrated mutter, brilliantly counters with "Good. She was beautiful and accomplished!"

Ha! I'm sorry for Natasha but that was funny.

I'm about to meet one of my favorite people, my very favorite Brazilian, Thomas (as well as my favorite Korean Hye Yeon, and my favorite Christian Scientist Sabrina) for ice skating so I have to go, but don't worry, I'll tell all none of you about it in an upcoming post!
Meanwhile, my mom feels under appreciated and wants me to mention that the soup she made for tonight's dinner was extraordinarily wonderful! Never have vegetables come together in such brilliant harmony and I'm sure everyone famous agrees.

I just found this picture when I was looking for pictures of soup and I don't know what it means but it's infinitely better and more hilarious! (it's small but the bigger one went off the page!!)

Friday, December 18, 2009

I might cause a cold front if I take a deep breath.

That's right, since I last posted... I have grillz! just playin but I do have a summer job as of an hour ago...
I'm going to be an owl team leader! This means (I believe) that I'm going to orient the freshmen during orientation over the summer at Temple hooty hoo!
Okay, so the reason I have time to blog is that I'm home for an entire month of winter break :{o
What do I do with myself? So that's why I'm blogging, because I actually miss fart school (art with an f in front of it for the ill-informed)
I also miss being perpetually sandwiched by my ugly, loud, hot, concrete dorm building. Between the across the hall neighbors screaming at halo, the upstairs people who must always practice some kind of tap dance at 1 in the morning, the constant shrill of gossipy whispers, and the delicious, un-environmental heating system that communal living allows I think I actually miss (?) living there. My roommate hates the heat, and throws open the windows to let in blaring rap music and the frigid air (North Philly), but she IS from Maine.
I'm going to go to my sister's swim meet (weird right?) Apparently I have nothing to do now but blog and "attend" sporting events.

Don't worry. I'm bringing a book.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Delicious and Nutritious!

So... college life. Very busy, very little time for blogging in the first week! I have ten minutes before I have to get ready to leave for breakfast so I might as well unload now. THIS WEEK HAS BEEN INSANE. Let's review:
Arabic Film & Lit- The teacher just moved here from Egypt, his accent is funny ("you should be weading a wittle bit evewy night"). He's a good teacher ( so far) but I haven't read the book because Amazon is an idiot. On Saturday I received a package (which was the book I need for that class) but "Patrick" the RA who was on duty in the mail room said they were closed and wouldn't open again until tuesday. BUT, he was standing IN the mail room when he said that and I could practically SEE my package right behind him! (Additionally, we're supposed to have the book read by Wednesday, so you can see why I'm pissssed)
Dissent in America- I got the book for that class! It's cool, it's supposed to be an English class, but so far it's more like a history class (which is fine). The funniest part in that classs is Creepy Steve. Let me tell you about Creepy Steve. He's a short stoner guy who lives in my wing and he is creepy, and I'm talking world class. It's not so much what he says but how he says them... (Example: when he found out I was an art major, gave me a million up-downs and said "We should have drawing parties") It turns out he is a "graffiti artist", a few days ago, he told me exactly HOW to get to one of his "works". He proudly showed me a piece he was working on the other day, it said Stupid Cunt (with an upside down temple T... school spirit?). This was the same day he decided to paint both of my arms in yellow paint, with his fingers (apparently, no permission necessary for this.) while saying "You're a canary! You're a leopard!" Okay Steve. After he was done, he told me that he tried to paint a penis on one arm (?!) but it didn't work out (...) This is just the pinnacle of his creepiness, but there are just things he says everyday that never let a person forget just how creepy Creepy Steve really is.
Drawing- Can you say 500 drawings?! I'm up to 206, and I have to have them finished by the end of today. That's all I'm going to say about that class or I WILL cry... and that's a promise.
2D- Oh, Katie Murken... what can I say about that crazy chick? At first I thought she was kind of cool in a subdued, monotone kind of way. But Ryan's roomie (whose clothes I fold when he's out... just for fun! It also freaks him out some... bonus!) who's a sophomore, said that she's an insanely crazy teacher. We have this slightly bs assignment where we have to experiment with different media and point, line, plane, and volume. BUT it can't be representational... it can't really be anything it seems. She didn't want to explain it to us to prevent us from being "tainted". Alright Katie.
3D- Another cool teacher that's potentially a crazy smut. But hey, aren't we all?
Our first assignment is creating multiples of a modular form that can be stacked in a vertical column as well as laid out in a horizontal pattern. That's cool I guess, but I pretty much have no idea what I'm doing. (awesome!).
So that's my life so far. Read it and weep!

Monday, August 31, 2009

I pull my shirt on, walk out the door. Drag my feet along the floor.

Lyrics to "Campus" by Vampire Weekend because that's where I am!! (In a campus that is.)
I'm eagerly (somewhat) anticipating the first day of classes. My first class (no lie- Arabic Film and Lit.) I have zero idea what we're going to be doing. My second class, Dissent in America (very intellectual sounding right?) has LOADS of reading homework so I hope it's a fun (interesting) class! And then I have my....wait for it... 4 hour long drawing class!
Who said that was allowed?
I'm freakin, it's like my first day of kindergarten or something. I spent all night last night (actually) labeling my folders and highlighting my schedule. Cool right? And then I could NOT sleep all night long, I kept tossing and turning and all that and my bed is mad squeaky so that just kept me up more. I legit probably got one hour of actually sleep. And I BETTER not fall asleep on the first day of classes (or I'm coming after that mattress provider!)
So I'll let ya'll know how the first day went... if i'm still alive! (500 drawings. That's my first assignment for my drawing class = no living allowed.)

Friday, August 28, 2009

'Cause I ain't the way you found me, and I'll never be the same!

That's what I woke up to this morning! (You Make My Dreams Come True by Hall & Oates)
Right now I am waiting for Catherine (my roomie) to shower so we can go to breakfast!
baaah everything is so exciting and new and I can't get over that I'm finally here. Yesterday morning it seemed impossible what with the RIDICULOUS amount of packing (I filled 2 rolling move-in carts you guys. what?) and the fact that the Verizon guy came to fix our phones RIGHT as we were about to pull out of the driveway (making me 2 hours behind everyone else on the packing front). But now that I'm finally here and all set up, I'm starting to believe it (if you believe in college clap your hands!) I'm here Temple and watch out!
Aside from the enthusiasm, I have realized a few flaws in my careful planning. Number one, I ordered a micro-fridge (an energy safe microwave on top of a fridge? or just a really small fridge) and so did my suite mates (I have 3 roommates: Catherine, Nina, and Emily) and there's really only room for one in our small small common space.  Hint: it's smaller than this!
So we're getting one sent back. But that's okay because we really DON'T need that much fridge space and we should conserve on space anyway!
After that whole fiasco I managed to jam all of my clothes into a waaay too small space (my sweaters will never forgive me!) 
We had our wing meeting (north west woopwoop!) and I my interesting fact that we needed to introduce ourselves was this: I am an airhockey champion. Now this is not necessarily true I've never won like a tournament or anything, but I do like air hockey and I win at it! And apparently everyone and there mother heard that because several people came up to me saying: you're the girl who likes air hockey right? And when the R.A. announced that our floor game room does not have an air hockey table, everyone in the circle looked at me and awww-ed.
Now that I'm the air hockey girl FORever, I should probs start practicing my strategy (she shoots! she scoooores!) 
So we're going to break fast now. But I will talk more about my college needs and necessities upon return! 

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I love ya, tomorrow!


THIS IS IT! I go to college in officially 24 hours!

And, I am totally not packed. But don't tell anyone that!

I know this sounds dumb, but I have everything packed but my clothes.

Anyway, so much s went down yesterday and I just HAVE to talk about it. I know, I know, I didn't post yesterday, and I know that all none of you who read this are sorely disappointed but I was busy (?) p.s. this is how tired I am, I just noticed that I'm eating my cereal with a giant

 salad spoon. classy with a k!

SO yesterday the refrigerator repairman came over to fix our ice maker. Not only had the ice maker already fixed itself when he got here, but as soon as he entered my kitchen he grabbed a serrated knife (should I be worried?) Now my mom was at work so I had to deal with this monstrosity all by myself! After confirming that the freezer was, in fact, NOT broken, he proceeded to vacuum under the refrigerator (weird choice) and than asked for one hundred and twenty eight dollars... and forty five cents. So I paid him just to get that creeper out of the house! Following that excursion, I went to crepes with Sabrina! That was fun, except eating a savory crepe (portabello mushrooms, feta,onion, and spinach!) made me really want a sweet one! Then I rode my bike home to discover that my mom wanted to get rid of it (my bike)! It turned out that good old ScottHumphreys (my bike again) is only worth $10 to the bikery so my friend is saved from alternate ownership! On the extra-plus side, I got a new bike for college for fity dollahs! It's a small, red, racing bike. The ride home was difficult because I'm not yet used to riding a woman's bike (Scott Humphrey's WAS a man's) that wasn't too big for me (like Scotty). So I kept feeling like I was going to fall off or break it.

 On the one hand, I didn't. So that's good. But on the other, I could. In the future.

Back to the good stuff, last night my parents had a kind of going to college party for me (with Their friends?) They even bought ice cream (big deal!) But as sweet as those "adults" are, we all know how boring those kind of things get (kidding dad). So we ended up acting silly, evidence below:


Monday, August 24, 2009

They don't like people like me where I'm from.

Wowee-zowee... I'm all tuckered after a heavy night of goodbyes!
Tonight I went to a sort of going away to college hang out session held on the front steps of my friend EShake's house (called the "stoop
") That's us in the pictures (cred EShakes, I'm the one that looks dumb in the middle!) I realized that this is the last time for a while that I will see a lot of these people and probably the very last time I'm going to hang out with them intimately like that. It's not like 

it's hard or anything, it's just weird this transitional funk I'm in, well I guess every one's in it together but it always seems to me like everyone else knows what they're doing way more than I do. Maybe they're just better at acting like they have a clue, I don't know.  
Oh! To the point of the title, the crux of t
his post, I watched Adventureland today! (The title is from the beginning of the movie where James is explaining to his college friend how he doesn't fit in at home, and I thought it was really funny!) Oh I liked it fine (first I should say I still have a half hour left to finish... possibly the most vital plot peak of most movies) but it surprised me in an unexpected way. I saw that it was directed by the director of Superbad and I was so psyched because it's the best, fun
niest, cutest, grossest teenage adventure movie of all time! That movie is the complete ultimate for me because it has typical guy humor (which I just think is the best... okay who can say no to Seth's drawings? everyone has favorites! mine are the historical ones, especially the on
e with the penis in front  of a tank, being driven by another one... in Tienanmen Square.) Anyways, all private drawings aside, it is a legitimately genuine portrait of male friendship at a crucial transition in the character's
 lives. Which is why I basically cry at the end where they separate off on an
 escalator, to 2 separate colleges and futures. That's what's touching!
So I was expecting the awkward and honest humor, the feel-bad-for-them-because-my-life-sucks-in-a-uniquely-horrible-way shame giggles (which are great by the way), but not the serious bend towards the end where Em (Kristen Stewart) all of a sudden feels bad for having an affair with t
he married and much older maintenance man Ryan Reynolds after having gone along just swimmingly for quite some time. We are lead to believe that it's James' sweetness that kind of nudges her off the fence of guilt into I-feel-like-crap-for-that land (which she does very well!) I don't know though, James is very earnest, but affa
ir ending sweetness? I don't really pick that up. His awkward cuteness is a little too laid back, less neurotic, more stoned (they do smoke a lot in the movie!). Anyway we will see what transpires! Will Em end up with James? Will Ryan Reynolds get a kick in the pants? Will the high staff of Adventureland finally kill someone? Who knows? Anything is possible. Anyone can achieve greatness!
Oh ho! You don't think I would let you off that easy do you? Two other notables happened today: I went to Zumba at the Y downtown! It's a Latin and hip-hop inspired dance exercise class that's more fun than workout although you DO get very sweaty! It was fun and the class tonight was very rigorous and enjoyable and afterwards we found out that it was the teacher's very first class (tres magnifique!) 
Second: my little sister (not that little... she's 16) made a blog today! It's one of my favorites and it's real funny (I think)! She made it to keep up with me about her doings and make me laugh in college (vital!) She keeps it with her friend under the name "Jesus" so it's only a little bit blasphemous but don't read it if you don't like blatant references to cursing or rap music or Pinocchio for that matter!
So read her blog, and read my blog, and read books that make you think!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Welcome to the World!

Hello there! This is my very first post and I'm doing it on my new (for me) computer for COLLEGE.
so exciting! Recently I've been shopping and getting ready for school, you know getting art supplies and general useful things, and there are SO many things you wouldn't remember that you need until you needed them. Like, a stapler?! I need my own stapler?! Who came up with that idea?
Oh today one of my dearest, best, and most favorite friends left for Florence. I know it's 
going to be the best years of her life... and she'll have a never ending cycle of Italian boyfriends and wonderful parties but I just can't understand why I can't come!
So me and my other friend made her a going away t-shirt where it's us standing on a globe (in America) and she's on the other side (Italy). And I'm all the way on the left (in Philadelphia! holla!) sort of jumping off into the atmosphere (like a rocket to the moon!). It says on the bottom "We are intrepid. We carry on." Which is from an all-time favorite movie of ours Elizabethtown. Where Kirsten Dunst is this super chatty flight attendant on Orlando Bloom's flight to Kentucky for his dad's funeral, and during the in-flight conversation she figures out his dad is dead (even though he doesn't tell her) and while he's leaving she's giving him all kinds of pesky last minute advice (in a cute way) about the roads in that area and stuff. And then to inspire him to persevere or whatever she says: We are intrepid. We carry on. And it's funny because it's weirdly intimate and she doesn't know him and he's trying to leav
e. But it's also, you know, we will be friends from across the world! (that's us in the picture wearing the shirts! credit: sabeana!)
It's a great movie though, funny, and sad, and there's love in it! It's a Cameron Crowe (Almost Famous anyone?)!
Oh also we bedazzled my big denim jacket. I found it in the crossover (the passageway ba
ckstage between stage left and right) at the little theatre (I did theatre at my high school... what? so did lots of cool and eventually successful people did!) ages ago. It was part of some one's costume 2 shows ago and smelled like Axe and weed but I washed it twelve times and it's been mine ever since! we bedazzled the front and back with clear and pink rhinestones and silver studs and it's ostentatiously sexcellent! 
Alright! That's the news from me and mine! See you in college!  :{o  (that's a mustache face if you've never seen one.)