Monday, August 31, 2009
I pull my shirt on, walk out the door. Drag my feet along the floor.
Friday, August 28, 2009
'Cause I ain't the way you found me, and I'll never be the same!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
I love ya, tomorrow!
THIS IS IT! I go to college in officially 24 hours!
And, I am totally not packed. But don't tell anyone that!
I know this sounds dumb, but I have everything packed but my clothes.
Anyway, so much s went down yesterday and I just HAVE to talk about it. I know, I know, I didn't post yesterday, and I know that all none of you who read this are sorely disappointed but I was busy (?) p.s. this is how tired I am, I just noticed that I'm eating my cereal with a giant
salad spoon. classy with a k!
SO yesterday the refrigerator repairman came over to fix our ice maker. Not only had the ice maker already fixed itself when he got here, but as soon as he entered my kitchen he grabbed a serrated knife (should I be worried?) Now my mom was at work so I had to deal with this monstrosity all by myself! After confirming that the freezer was, in fact, NOT broken, he proceeded to vacuum under the refrigerator (weird choice) and than asked for one hundred and twenty eight dollars... and forty five cents. So I paid him just to get that creeper out of the house! Following that excursion, I went to crepes with Sabrina! That was fun, except eating a savory crepe (portabello mushrooms, feta,onion, and spinach!) made me really want a sweet one! Then I rode my bike home to discover that my mom wanted to get rid of it (my bike)! It turned out that good old ScottHumphreys (my bike again) is only worth $10 to the bikery so my friend is saved from alternate ownership! On the extra-plus side, I got a new bike for college for fity dollahs! It's a small, red, racing bike. The ride home was difficult because I'm not yet used to riding a woman's bike (Scott Humphrey's WAS a man's) that wasn't too big for me (like Scotty). So I kept feeling like I was going to fall off or break it.
On the one hand, I didn't. So that's good. But on the other, I could. In the future.
Back to the good stuff, last night my parents had a kind of going to college party for me (with Their friends?) They even bought ice cream (big deal!) But as sweet as those "adults" are, we all know how boring those kind of things get (kidding dad). So we ended up acting silly, evidence below:

Monday, August 24, 2009
They don't like people like me where I'm from.

Wowee-zowee... I'm all tuckered after a heavy night of goodbyes!

Sunday, August 23, 2009
Welcome to the World!