Friday, August 28, 2009

'Cause I ain't the way you found me, and I'll never be the same!

That's what I woke up to this morning! (You Make My Dreams Come True by Hall & Oates)
Right now I am waiting for Catherine (my roomie) to shower so we can go to breakfast!
baaah everything is so exciting and new and I can't get over that I'm finally here. Yesterday morning it seemed impossible what with the RIDICULOUS amount of packing (I filled 2 rolling move-in carts you guys. what?) and the fact that the Verizon guy came to fix our phones RIGHT as we were about to pull out of the driveway (making me 2 hours behind everyone else on the packing front). But now that I'm finally here and all set up, I'm starting to believe it (if you believe in college clap your hands!) I'm here Temple and watch out!
Aside from the enthusiasm, I have realized a few flaws in my careful planning. Number one, I ordered a micro-fridge (an energy safe microwave on top of a fridge? or just a really small fridge) and so did my suite mates (I have 3 roommates: Catherine, Nina, and Emily) and there's really only room for one in our small small common space.  Hint: it's smaller than this!
So we're getting one sent back. But that's okay because we really DON'T need that much fridge space and we should conserve on space anyway!
After that whole fiasco I managed to jam all of my clothes into a waaay too small space (my sweaters will never forgive me!) 
We had our wing meeting (north west woopwoop!) and I my interesting fact that we needed to introduce ourselves was this: I am an airhockey champion. Now this is not necessarily true I've never won like a tournament or anything, but I do like air hockey and I win at it! And apparently everyone and there mother heard that because several people came up to me saying: you're the girl who likes air hockey right? And when the R.A. announced that our floor game room does not have an air hockey table, everyone in the circle looked at me and awww-ed.
Now that I'm the air hockey girl FORever, I should probs start practicing my strategy (she shoots! she scoooores!) 
So we're going to break fast now. But I will talk more about my college needs and necessities upon return! 

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