Friday, September 4, 2009

Delicious and Nutritious!

So... college life. Very busy, very little time for blogging in the first week! I have ten minutes before I have to get ready to leave for breakfast so I might as well unload now. THIS WEEK HAS BEEN INSANE. Let's review:
Arabic Film & Lit- The teacher just moved here from Egypt, his accent is funny ("you should be weading a wittle bit evewy night"). He's a good teacher ( so far) but I haven't read the book because Amazon is an idiot. On Saturday I received a package (which was the book I need for that class) but "Patrick" the RA who was on duty in the mail room said they were closed and wouldn't open again until tuesday. BUT, he was standing IN the mail room when he said that and I could practically SEE my package right behind him! (Additionally, we're supposed to have the book read by Wednesday, so you can see why I'm pissssed)
Dissent in America- I got the book for that class! It's cool, it's supposed to be an English class, but so far it's more like a history class (which is fine). The funniest part in that classs is Creepy Steve. Let me tell you about Creepy Steve. He's a short stoner guy who lives in my wing and he is creepy, and I'm talking world class. It's not so much what he says but how he says them... (Example: when he found out I was an art major, gave me a million up-downs and said "We should have drawing parties") It turns out he is a "graffiti artist", a few days ago, he told me exactly HOW to get to one of his "works". He proudly showed me a piece he was working on the other day, it said Stupid Cunt (with an upside down temple T... school spirit?). This was the same day he decided to paint both of my arms in yellow paint, with his fingers (apparently, no permission necessary for this.) while saying "You're a canary! You're a leopard!" Okay Steve. After he was done, he told me that he tried to paint a penis on one arm (?!) but it didn't work out (...) This is just the pinnacle of his creepiness, but there are just things he says everyday that never let a person forget just how creepy Creepy Steve really is.
Drawing- Can you say 500 drawings?! I'm up to 206, and I have to have them finished by the end of today. That's all I'm going to say about that class or I WILL cry... and that's a promise.
2D- Oh, Katie Murken... what can I say about that crazy chick? At first I thought she was kind of cool in a subdued, monotone kind of way. But Ryan's roomie (whose clothes I fold when he's out... just for fun! It also freaks him out some... bonus!) who's a sophomore, said that she's an insanely crazy teacher. We have this slightly bs assignment where we have to experiment with different media and point, line, plane, and volume. BUT it can't be representational... it can't really be anything it seems. She didn't want to explain it to us to prevent us from being "tainted". Alright Katie.
3D- Another cool teacher that's potentially a crazy smut. But hey, aren't we all?
Our first assignment is creating multiples of a modular form that can be stacked in a vertical column as well as laid out in a horizontal pattern. That's cool I guess, but I pretty much have no idea what I'm doing. (awesome!).
So that's my life so far. Read it and weep!

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