I'm actually the best/worst freestyler ever. (lies) Except for that one time with Katherine at my friend Greg's house when it seemed like a great idea, I just remember rhyming -at words a lot (you know: bat, cat, sat...) v elementary rapping skills!

The reason why I started writing this post is number 1: because I'm supposed to be cleaning my attic/old studio and number 2: because I have a severe disorder.
Which is: I HAVE TOO MUCH (F)ART WORK which I can't ever seem to throw out.
So I've decided to give away most/some of it, good idea?
I know that all nobody of you is just clamoring to receive some original Kates before I become too well known and famous to be cool anymore, so you best jump on the non-bandwagon quick!
Hold on, I'm going to take some pitchas to post so everyone can see/vomit!

This is my 2D final, it's a book!

This is my 4 ft by 6 ft plate drawing!

(Sorry, this is like the selfie version of art photography!)
Wordform compositions:

Drawing of my roomz!

Relational drawing:

This is my first 2D project called mutable self, it's about how I feel when I'm alone.

Alright this next one is a little weird, it's a superhero costume!

My superhero is called the Couch Whisperer and she was bullied a lot when she was little, but she was too scared to stand up for herself. When she's older, she observes others around her being taken advantage of and she decides to help them with all of the insults she's stored up over the years but was afraid to use. So she makes a dress so she can camouflage into this couch and whisper insults to these people so they can stand up for themselves! (win.)
My first 3D project which was to make a plaster mold of a found object, than manipulate it, and use those manipulations to design a module which can be laid out in a pattern and stacked in a column. (Guess what my object was...)

My sister and the stack!

They're twizzlers silly!
I have loads more but no pictures or anything because my dad stole them for his office (some of them were submitted to the foundations juried show... including the couch whisperer... don't mean to be braggers mcgee)
I need to go shower, and see Avatar with my sister and dad, it's supposed to be bad but fingers crossed! Allz the photos are out of wack because I don't know how to use the interweb! boo technology.
This is my 2D final, it's a book!
This is my 4 ft by 6 ft plate drawing!
(Sorry, this is like the selfie version of art photography!)
Wordform compositions:
Drawing of my roomz!
Relational drawing:
This is my first 2D project called mutable self, it's about how I feel when I'm alone.
Alright this next one is a little weird, it's a superhero costume!
My superhero is called the Couch Whisperer and she was bullied a lot when she was little, but she was too scared to stand up for herself. When she's older, she observes others around her being taken advantage of and she decides to help them with all of the insults she's stored up over the years but was afraid to use. So she makes a dress so she can camouflage into this couch and whisper insults to these people so they can stand up for themselves! (win.)
My first 3D project which was to make a plaster mold of a found object, than manipulate it, and use those manipulations to design a module which can be laid out in a pattern and stacked in a column. (Guess what my object was...)
They're twizzlers silly!
I have loads more but no pictures or anything because my dad stole them for his office (some of them were submitted to the foundations juried show... including the couch whisperer... don't mean to be braggers mcgee)
I need to go shower, and see Avatar with my sister and dad, it's supposed to be bad but fingers crossed! Allz the photos are out of wack because I don't know how to use the interweb! boo technology.

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