So what did I do in 2009?
1) I decided to go to Temple, and had an amazing semester!
2)500 drawings
3) great friends
4) one bike accident and hospitilization
5) two As, two -As and one B
The year ended in the customary sleep over at Sueminn's which closed out the last year!
It was fun... until I come to my new year's resolution: To be better at declining unwanted attention from guys (especially drunk guys).
This guy (who will remain unnamed) was trying to hook up with me like it was his job. I think this was because everyone else in the 8 person group had coupled off and suddenly, we were the only two people left. But I repeatedly declined, telling him no, that I was tired and didn't really know him, BUT IT DID NOT END (he was relatively gentlemanly, I don't mean to alarm nobody reading this, he stuck to pretty PG strokes and kisses, until once I caught him randomly trying to undo my bra... oops). This is not the first time I have found myself in this impossible situation with no way out. Eventually I fell asleep and after about 15-20 minutes he spent lying next to me (sleeping? allegedly) he got up and left, he seemed really mad about the whole thing. But what's weird is I have never expressed any kind of interest to this guy and before now we had been barely friends, and all of a sudden it was "you're beautiful" and "there are more fun things to do than sleep". Although I've had a wonderful year, this disturbing event kind of punctuated the problems I've been having on the man front. The one's who are "interested" in me are only boring guys that I don't really like and their interest is purely opportunist and of a singular nature. I feel stupid, like I've failed at understanding or receiving some kind of womanly secret key to attracting/accepting/deflecting boys. Isn't it something I should know?
Well didn't this take a morose turn... what I meant to say was I had an amazing year and I have high hopes for the next and wish the same to all zero of you!
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