The nothing being my life. Without school I have no heart, no focus, no drive (
jplay I'm being melodramatic)

p.s. weird
emo cartoon was a joke!
Well okay so I really have zip to write about.
TODAY my mom started her new job, which is good, but she says it's boring. Right now she's just taking tests and things for legal reasons I think, so hopefully soon she'll get to helping people! Yesterday I was basically cornered into going to this alumni thing for the theater program at my high school and it was very unsettling #1 because I had to walk there in arctic winds at end-of-the-world caliber because I don't have my license yet (gross) #2 is that most of the people that were there I planned on basically counting out of my life so that was interesting.
My Arabic Film & Lit professor was
Egyptian and super ESL and he would say that something was "interesting" at
inappropriate times EXAMPLE: Oh none of you finished the book that's... interesting or this DVD player isn't working... interesting. He's actually really funny/adorable and has a hilarious accent, I feel bad that I got an A even though I slept through a few classes and turned in my midterm late
because it was on the same day as Drawing and 3D.
Changing topics with this
segway segue:

... puns.
I went over to Thomas' for some hot tubing, and subsequently received large servings of awkward with a side of weird and trace amounts of
surprise! Bad metaphor aside, two of my friends made out while I was in the room. This turned out to be not actually that bad (I'm happy for them?) but was just a little strange because I witnessed it. And not expecting it. But besides that it's fine!

So tomorrow I hope to start to teach myself French with Rosetta Stone. This is step one toward me living in Paris and being a famous
artiste! Wow so sorry to
disappoint all of nobody that reads this, I really need to get a life because this is actually the worst blog post ever.
Going in the city to get glasses tomorrow at this place called
Moscott, my dad got his glasses there and they also make glasses for the Mad Men cast (!). I'm going to look as distinguished as:

I'm going with my all time sunshine Ms.
Hye Yeon Glass, so it will be fun x 6 for all!
p.s. my dad tried to tell my sister to sign offline in AIM lingo but ended up saying : "Tell her
ta ta!" in his very best accidental cocktail party voice. So there's something for all none of you to think about.