Tuesday, January 12, 2010

West is Best!

Giddyup! I have cowboy boots!
not these ones exactly, BOOT mine are great and tan-y and fringer-ific! (just a little bit, not too much) I went to this funny shipping store with the love of my life and future roomie Katherine, where they have this crazy big room with giant boxes filled with all kinds of clothes. They have really great labels on the boxes like "oriental robes" and "prairie gowns" and when you're done, the guys just tells you a price. My boo Katherine got a denim vest with a g-damn landscape of HORSES on it.
So I saw Nine on Sunday night with my girl Kendra. It was good I guess, very confusing though. All the scenes and numbers and actors were good (except for Kate Hudson, who just sucks) but overall the story should have been grounded in Guido but it was all over the place. But I liked it anyhow!
Let's see... I graduated from driving school! I'm going to take the test on the 29th ooo la!
That's really all she wrote. But wait!
We're having Borscht tonight! It's delicious and purple and beet-y soup and all zero of you should be excited about it!

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