zowee... I'm all tuckered after a heavy night of goodbyes!
Tonight I went to a sort of going away to college hang out session held on the front steps of my friend EShake's house (called the "stoop
") That's us in the pictures (cred EShakes, I'm the one that looks dumb in the middle!) I realized that this is the last time for a while that I will see a lot of these people and probably the very last time I'm going to hang out with them intimately like that. It's not like

it's hard or anything, it's just weird this transitional funk I'm in, well I guess every one's in it together but it always seems to me like everyone else knows what they're doing way more than I do. Maybe they're just better at acting like they have a clue, I don't know.
Oh! To the point of the title, the crux of t
his post, I watched Adventureland today! (The title is from the beginning of the movie where James is explaining to his college friend how he doesn't fit in at home, and I thought it was really funny!) Oh I liked it fine (first I should say I still have a half hour left to finish... possibly the most vital plot peak of most movies) but it surprised me in an unexpected way. I saw that it was directed by the director of Superbad and I was so psyched because it's the best, fun

niest, cutest, grossest teenage adventure movie of all time! That movie is the complete ultimate for me because it has typical guy humor (which I just think is the best... okay who can say no to Seth's drawings? everyone has favorites! mine are the historical ones, especially the on
e with the penis in front of a tank, being driven by another one... in Tienanmen Square.) Anyways, all private drawings aside, it is a legitimately genuine portrait of male friendship at a crucial transition in the character's
lives. Which is why I basically cry at the end where they separate off on an
escalator, to 2 separate colleges and futures. That's what's touching!
So I was expecting the awkward and honest humor, the feel-bad-for-them-because-my-life-sucks-in-a-uniquely-horrible-way shame giggles (which are great by the way), but not the serious bend towards the end where Em (Kristen Stewart) all of a sudden feels bad for having an affair with t
he married and much older maintenance man Ryan Reynolds after having gone along just swimmingly for quite some time. We are lead to believe that it's James' sweetness that kind of nudges her off the fence of guilt into I-feel-like-crap-for-that land (which she does very well!) I don't know though, James is very earnest, but affa

ir ending sweetness? I don't really pick that up. His awkward cuteness is a little too laid back, less neurotic, more stoned (they do smoke a lot in the movie!). Anyway we will see what transpires! Will Em end up with James? Will Ryan Reynolds get a kick in the pants? Will the high staff of Adventureland finally kill someone? Who knows? Anything is possible. Anyone can achieve greatness!
Oh ho! You don't think I would let you off that easy do you? Two other notables happened today: I went to Zumba at the Y downtown! It's a Latin and hip-hop inspired dance exercise class that's more fun than workout although you DO get very sweaty! It was fun and the class tonight was very rigorous and enjoyable and afterwards we found out that it was the teacher's very first class (tres magnifique!)
Second: my little sister (not that little... she's 16) made a
blog today! It's one of my favorites and it's real funny (I think)! She made it to keep up with me about her doings and make me laugh in college (vital!) She keeps it with her friend under the name "Jesus" so it's only a little bit blasphemous but don't read it if you don't like blatant references to cursing or rap music or
Pinocchio for that matter!
So read her blog, and read my blog, and read books that make you think!