That's from My Fair Lady, as in Audrey Hepburn blahblahblah, and I'm here today to tell you that it's a really weird movie. More to come later.
This is Sabrina eating a tortilla chip. LET ME EXPLAIN.
Okay so two nights ago we when to Tinga's, a mexican place in town, and we were both v hungry so we spent the first 10 minutes attacking the chips. PLEASE NOTE the vaguely concerned looking man drinking out of a red cup in the table behind her. This is because this was the fifth picture I had taken because my camera was f-ing up and maybe he thought I was a paparazi FOR HIM.
Regardless, we were ridiculously full afterwards and went to her house AND THIS HAPPENED
Yes, but not Playmobile PALACES with DRAGONS in them. Sabrina found this in her attic and everything is so small and when I saw it I JUST KNEW I HAD TO BLOGST ABOUT IT (like true love, remember that guys?) Anyway do you like the action shot of the dragon destroying the palace with it's fire breath?! (Vote yes or yes)
THEN we watched My Fair Lady, and let me tell you, between the shrieking cartoonish Audrey and Rex Harrison or whatever being a complete a-hole, it's just an incredibly strange movie. AND THE ENDING, isn't actually there. So she comes back to his house, but are they together (I really hope not) or what? INCONCLUSIVE. Because I can, I decided to make up a new ending and here it is:
Eliza comes back to the house and says "I'm back to live here but you've been really mean the whole time and you should apologize because I'm really pretty and great now" and he says "Yes, you're right. But I don't think we should get together because I'm old and horrible, friends?" And then Eliza marries the prince of Translyvania and becomes a REAL PRINCESS.
and there would be like songs in it too.
SO ANYWAY yesterday I went into the city with my dad to see our friend Ken Parris. We visited him at his tiny studio/apartment (it's actually one room) AND THIS WAS IN FRONT OF IT.
Get it? It's a moving truck and they're MOVERS not SHAKERS. You gotta love that! I mean reallly, you have to. So we hung out there for a while with him and his fiance Melissa Toogood (yes that's really her name) who's an Australian dancer and they're so adorable and cute together. And I got to see the paintings that Ken's working on AND THEY'RE FANTASTIC (needless to say). Then we went to got to lunch at Buttermilk, but they were closed and since it was the APOCALYPSE outside we went to this place down the street called Prime Meats (I know: problem= I'm a vegetarian) I was really hungry too, but ALL I GOT WAS THIS STINKING CHEESE PLATE.

Oh, and here's my quilt for the Art Exchange. I based it off of this photo I took in New York like a year ago (WITH A PINHOLE CAM... artsy right?) and MAYBE IT DOES SUCK, but I'm fine with it. It was a weird little experiment that I was kind of forced to do because I don't have any art supplies with me except cloth and sewing stuff. But I sort of like it in a funny way. HERE'S THE BACK
I didn't have any black fabric so I just used the reverse of this one, CLEVER RIGHT? I thought so.
I'm sending it off to Adrienne from Providence SO I HOPE SHE LIKES QUILTS.
Oh, here's a picture I told my zany sister I would put on my "hair blog" (whatever that means) I don't have one, so this regular blog will have to do: