To me of course for cultivating such a devoted following of readers... or something
It's small (5 is not that small, if there were FIVE elephants in your backyard, would you say that was a small amount of elephants?) because I'm very intelligent and exclusive DUH.
So spring break yadda yadda WELCOME TO MY HOME...
Alright already! Pastries don't have separate, special lives... allegedly.
My roommate and myself went to American Apparel to get her bud a serious/joke gift of a fanny pack. I used to think (not like recently, when i was little) that it was named after a woman named Fanny... but it's not. But it was great and purple and we did some cracked out browsing while we were there, as evidenced below...
We were browsing for furniture and stuff for our apartment and pretended to be in our homes AS SEEN BELOW:
Katherine trying to decide what to wear out of her fake wardrobe with a ridiculous amount of the same blouse and same skirt. OH SHE WON'T HAVE ANY TROUBLE GETTING READY.
Okay, needless to say, complete insanity has ensued out of intense and endless browsing and Katherine has become fascinated with fake technology which turns out to be hollow EVEN THOUGH it has like a type name and everything on it.
Alright so here's where it gets weird, not really but this happened 2 days ago and because I couldn't find my camera cord there was delay BUT TO UPDATE. Yesterday I drew a picture of Kathy Griffin running around in a bra and of the queen mum for my 2D humor sketchbook (all none of you vote for pictures? GOOD) and went on like a 45 minute bike ride I KNOW. It was really nice out and it was in the early afternoon and nobody was around it was amazing!
So today I went to Red, White, & Blue with Katherine and this is what happened to her:
Not really, but she was debating getting this little boy's fishie Hawaiian shirt and decided to try it on over her big girl flannel SUCH DRAMA. Regardless she did get it and may or may not be wearing it right now to help out your visual imagination. On this trip both Katherine and I found ourselves trying on dresses which WE THOUGHT were dresses but turned out to be ROMPERS.... so sneaky right? Mine was extra embarrassing because it totally didn't even look like a romper at all and I put it over my head BUT IT WAS ONE OF THE LEGS. All of the elderly Mexicans sure were entertained (or so I assume... I didn't ask them or anything).
Alright, wrapping this baby up with a weird wink from my sister. She said she was posing for a movie poster. Really Sarah? A ROM COM MOVIE POSTER! Additionally, she was labeling her folders for class, and somehow SOMEBODY (me) got the idea into her head that instead of the actual names of the classes (so pase) that she should write words that RHYMED with them. So she is now taking Path (math), Silence (science), Mystery (History) and Hamre. Okay so we couldn't find a rhyme for English and she wouldn't use MY suggestion Penguin Farts (as in Language Arts duh) and so she decided to use Grammar and I put it into the online rhyming dictionary and Hamre came up (it's like one of the most uncommon surnames in the US).
SO THAT'S MY LIFE you can go now.
u sck.........but ur sster is rlly bang 4 buck.....