Friday, March 5, 2010

Not my face, not my problem

Except it is my face SO IT'S REALLY MY PROBLEM
So I have this assignment due on the drawing class after spring break is over AND I decided, okay so I'll just finish this today and it will be fine right? WRONG.
In progress pics? You didn't ask for them? WHO SAID THAT. well here:

It doesn't look like me? I KNOW. I hate self portraits because if you draw a picture of anybody else if you f up or whatever, it's fine. BUT DON'T YOU GO DRAWING YOUR FACE WRONG
then everyone will laugh at you. Oh I think I just figured it out, I made my stupid big head too big. Or too wide or whatever. OH WELL
They do say you never know how wide your face is until you put pictures of your chalk pastel portrait on your blog... or something like that.
also a major lolz at my weirdly low ear. alright enough about me, I'm going to go home tomorrow for spring break and as of two seconds ago I DON'T ACTUALLY KNOW HOW I'M GETTING HOME. So there's that. I'll give all none of you a while to think about that.


  1. dearest granchillen kate,
    i think that this looks totally super fucking awesome!
    vastly improved since the pope stage of it!!!
    beautiful! lovely!
    i still think you look queen mum-ish. i think its because you have that "im hawt stuff" look on your face:

    I wonder if I'm internet famous now?!?!
