I drove back to Temple today with Katherine and her dad and let me tell you IT WAS A LAUGH RIOT
No but her dad IS really funny and it was a lot of fun EXAMPLE: When describing how he was going to maneauver his way around this one building by saying something like "I need to come up around this beotch" major traffic pattern lolz!
I finished this Mexican drug war photo edit for my computer class where I edited presents in the place of DRUG PACKAGES. I hate photoshop, so it's real bad, it's on my computer class blog if you want to look at it but I don't want to torture you with any more bad art so look at your own risk!
Remember when I said I didn't want to show you any more bad art? TOO BAD.
Alright, I know how this looks, but I built a "replica" of my body out of wooden discs that are in shapes to give the veil VOLUME and SHAPE. The veil looks more sheer in person JUST SO YA KNOW. It's for my 3D woodshop class and the assignment was to create a body extension. I did... literally extend my body to this other form and I wanted to create a sense of personal space/ thought interfacing with the outer dimension OR WHATEVER. To answer all of your questions, YES it's life size, which means AS BIG AS I AM (5' 6' give or take... mostly take). The more I look at it and think about it, the more pleased with it I am I think... but I'm not sure. But I'm never sure. I have until Tuesday so I might change it up BUT NOT NOW IT'S BEDTIME DUH.
end of 2016
8 years ago
u sux.