Title= lyric from Born to Run and you better believe it!
p.s. I think my v key is busted because if I don't press it hard enough it's an e
EX: I wanna die with you wendy in the streets tonight in an eeerlasting kiss.... weird
So okay, right now I'm cleaning my kitchen (allegedly), drinking tea, and blogsting (I know right now I'm doing so many things that I invented a new word for blog posting... I AM AWARE THAT BLOGGING WAS ALREADY A WORD) and besides that I'm listening to the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, which is practically another activity all together.
I realize that I've been a day behind in blogSTing all my activities and I stay up nights with concern for ALL none of your collective confusion so I will strive to clarify... by posting what I did yesterday, today. (Just go with it)
So my sister and I went to CVS yesterday morning because every time I take a shower in my dorm I'm jealous of my roommate's loofahs (they all have one... Emily's is white, Cat's is pink, and Nina's is orange I KNOW RIGHT? I don't actually know who's is who's but those are the irl colors). So I finally got one, but it's yellow, and I'm going to keep it isolated so the others don't immorally influence it OR WHO KNOWS WHAT COULD HAPPEN WHEN I LEAVE IT ALONE ALL DAY.
THIS thing is my sister with some great brown and curly false hair ponytails to accentuate her own straight blond hair. CAN YOU FIND IT? I bet you can't!
This is my sister who may or may not be having a powerful philosophical discussion with somebody... but probably not.
This is Becca Firkser (I don't know how to spell her name... or something) who THOUGHT I was taking a picture of the jacket she was holding but SURPRISE it's of her ugly (beautiful) mug (face.) I HOPE I DON'T MAKE HER MAD.
Don't worry it's probably fine. So that was fun and then I came home and I blogsted (???) some more and then I fell asleep while watching the Oscars, which is a problem because my dad kept waking me up to say things like "Hurt Locker is winning a lot of things! That's so great I hate James Cameron blahblahsomethingelse" The only really great thing about Hurt Locker winning best picture is that the director, Kathryn Bigelow, spells her name the same way as mine (R-Y-N btchs) and maybe people will finally realize that that is a legit spelling and stop throwing things at me when I go out into the street. MAYBE, but probably not.
i think its time to put this pu$$y on your sideburns.